Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday 5

And now, for the fridayfive!

When you go to the beach, lake, or pool, are you more likely to lower yourself gradually into cold water or to take a determined plunge and get it over with?
hmm for me it really depends on where we are. Like if its a pool I go to regularly I will just dive right in. However, if its an unknown beach or lake, then I tend to tread very lightly kinda one step at a time, until I'm comfortable with the whole situation.

How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other tasks or ordeals?
This is somewhat how I'm like in life; sometimes I take it cautiously, and others I'm totally gung ho. This is so true with sports, with that I try to lead and be the first to try new things and different ways of adapting.

When someone gives you flowers, are you more likely to let them turn completely brown and gross before throwing them out, or to discard them the moment they take on that sick-flower look?
Being as practical (and, lets face it, male) as I am, I'd wait until they're almost dead or completely dead. Then again, I don't like flowers because they die; I'd rather have/get/buy something I can use or interact with, not just park on a table and watch it wilt.

How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other gifts, purchases, or relationships?
Gifts are gift as long as I see a practical use for them, whether it be entertment or useful etc. I really enjoy the gifts that comes from the heart and especially love the gifts where the person really "gets" me. Relationships must have meaning and there must be love back. Like who I'm with right now; she is very special to me and I know she has a deep love for me.

Think of your favorite movie (or a movie you really like, if you can’t think of a favorite). Some people say that the reasons you love your favorite movie are related to what you value in romantic relationships. How is this true or untrue in your case?
Not really cause most of my favorite movies are sports or action flicks. So to me that says my relationships should be quick, high impact, fly by the seat of your pants, and they are far from that! I love long meaningful relationships. All my relationships have lasted at least a year or more (especially the one I'm in right now. I truly believe that she will be my wife and I'm so excited for that day to happen.)


Kelly said...

Awwwwwww your last answer was so heart-warmingly cute! Sarse you are a lucky lucky girl!

sarah said...

oh, dude, it gets better. there's a post waiting for me to edit that will surely fill the "aww" and "sappy" books for YEARS.

(but yes, I am lucky. Most of the time :P)

weedze said...

Oh sweetie its not that sappy