Wednesday, March 26, 2008

hey y'all

I know I said I would not post till after the weekend. Meh I'm kinda bored before bed and Mrs Sap is sleeping. Kinda wish I was there - she's a cute sleeper & I could watch her for hours. Even though she snores really really loud (actually its more like a purr but I won't tell her that *wink).
So I just got back from my night out with Cjblue. We saw 10,000BC - it was okay, the final battle scene could have been more to it and could have been gorier. Then we sat in the lobby afterwards just chatting catching up and taking a trip down memory lane.

Cjblue kept making fun of my beard and after reading Mrs. Saps blog so does she hehe. hmm that gives me an idea maybe I'll just leave it. hmm wait lets re-think that, its starting to bug even me. This year its grown fast and alot and really I've gone about the same distance in the playoffs. Maybe I'll just go with a soul patch?

I'm really excited because I get to see Mrs Sap tomorrow and I don't have to wait till the 5th! We're going to look at apartments tomorrow, and then I get to see her again on the 31st!! I am so happy. OK I'm starving, so I'm going to heat up the food my mom brought me after the movie (my mom really spoils me - yes I'm a mommas boy.)


1 comment:

sarah said...

haha, babe you have so got it bad - you watch me sleep? :|